
VIVOTEK’s VAST is an intuitive professional video/central management software designed for managing all VIVOTEK IP surveillance products. It integrates next generation H.265 video codec and supports hundreds of cameras and stations in a hierarchical system structure for monitoring, recording, playback and event trigger management with effortless control. Furthermore, VAST offers the video wall solution, VAST Matrix, for hundreds of live view camera monitoring.

VAST expertly integrates with VIVOTEK’s network cameras to provide the most expansive solutions and applications in video surveillance. Seamless recording with cameras for uninterrupted video recording, Panoramic PTZ for 360° seamless surveillance and VCA metadata Integration like Line Crossing Detection, Loitering Detection, Field Detection and People Counting Reports are among the highlights of this integration. At the system level, VAST supports failover redundancy to avoid single points of failure and ensures maximum system up time. It also supports setup of the VAST server on a virtual machine by using one powerful physical server running multiple VASTs on it. VAST performs remote management with the full range of the server & client structures and constitutes a robust system for various applications, such as Retail, Residential and Industrial.

vast structure

New Features in Version 1.13

  • Failover Redundancy
  • Virtual Machine Supported
  • RTSP Streaming Recording
  • Joystick Enhancement
  • ONVIF Event Support in Alarm Management


Key Features

  • 128-channel Live Video Monitoring with Dual Monitors
  • 16-channel Synchronous Playback
  • Video Wall Solution “VAST Matrix” for Unlimited Live Views
  • Auto Stream Size for Reducing Display Loading (Live-Client/Matrix)
  • Instant Replay & Playback on Live Client
  • Intelligent Alarm Management and Acknowledgement
  • Overall Device Management through Intuitive E-map Feature
  • Multiple Fisheye Dewarp Support
  • Web Access via Internet Explorer
  • Logical Tree Management
  • Windows Active Directory Integration
  • VIVOTEK Exclusive Feature: Panoramic PTZ, Seamless Recording and VCA Counting Solution
  • Failover Solution
  • Virtual Machine Solution


Support List

  • VIVOTEK Network Cameras: 7000 & 8000 & 9000 Series (MD7560X excluded)
  • VIVOTEK NVR: NR & ND Series
  • VIVOTEK Software: ST7501, VAST
  • VIVOTEK Switch: VivoCam PoE Switch (AW-GEV Series)


System Requirement

• VAST 2 Server

Server (Recording Channels) Up to 64-CH Up to 128-CH Up to 256-CH
CPU 4th Generation Intel ® Core i3 Processors or above 4th Generation Intel ® Core i5 Processors or above
RAM 4GB or above 8GB or above 8GB or above
Hard Drive (Enterprise Model Only) Suggestion 1 Volume Group* 2 Volume Group* 4 Volume Group*
Recording Throughput 1 Volume Group: 200 Mbps (Max.)**
Network Interface Card 1000/100/10 Ethernet***

* Volume group depends on total recording server throughput.
** Maximum number bitrate of cameras not to go over total recording throughput.
*** Please consider the throughput of viewing, recording and server’s network.


• VAST 2 LiveView & Playback

Client (Display Channels) H.264, 720P, 2Mbps for Each Channel* 8-CH 16-CH 32-CH
H.264, 1080P, 4Mbps for Each Channel** 6-CH 10-CH 18-CH
H.265, 1080P, 4Mbps for Each Channel 3-CH 5-CH 9-CH
CPU 4th Generation Intel ® Core i3 Processors 4th Generation Intel ® Core i5 Processors 4th Generation Intel ® Core i7 Processors
RAM*** 4GB or above 4GB or above 4GB or above
Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)**** Support Direct3D Acceleration with 1GB Video RAM
Network Interface Card 1000/100/10 Ethernet
* Display requirements of a 3MP fisheye camera is equal to a 720P camera.

** Display requirements of a 5MP fisheye camera is equal to a 1080P camera.

*** Please use dual-channel setup for RAM.
**** Please update to the latest version of GPU driver.
If installing Server & Client in the same PC, overall loading of the PC will be evaluated.


Counting Solution – Overview

VAST VCA reporting integrates VIVOTEK’s 2D & 3D counting cameras to provide visual reports, including tables and charts. These metrics are ideal for retail and other applications that require intelligent customer and operational insight without the constraints on business and infrastructure support.

vast counting solution overview


Counting Solution – Structure

VAST counting reports provide the area concept to integrate the counting cameras.
Since there are different retail environments, users can select different setup methods.

• Single-Entry: Single counting camera for one area in a Small Shop or Chain of Stores.
• Multi-Entry:Multiple counting cameras for one area in a Shopping Mall or Department Store.

vast counting solution structure


Counting Report – Export Format

VIVOTEK Counting Report provides chart reporting that can be queried by bar, line and pie charts. The results can be directly exported into Snapshot & Microsoft Excel.

vast counting report

Counting Report – Scope Interval

VIVOTEK Counting Report provides two selections for users: By Area & By Date. No matter the scenario, users can select up to 8 items to compare together.

• By Area: Different area report is shown in the same date/time.
• By Date: Different date/time report is shown for only one area.

vast counting report scope interval

Counting Report – Export

VIVOTEK Counting Report provides two export methods for users:

• Manual Export: Provide the local server and it will export the real-time browse report.
• Schedule Export: Provide the local server & email, it will export the daily report every day at a scheduled time.

vast counting report

Exclusive Feature: Seamless Counting

In the event of disconnection with a VAST server via network fail, server failure, etc. The seamless counting function retains the integrity of counting data and automatically retrieves data fragments once the network connection is restored. The data generated during the time of network failure will be synchronized with that on the VAST server.
vast seamless counting


VIVOTEK VMS Solution Update

Older versions required a dongle to run, thus it was not possible to replace the ST7501. The new version is equipped to support the all-new software license. The default software provides for free 32 channel usage for users. If required by the user, it is easy to expand the number of camera channels available.
vast vms solution update

ST7501 vs. VAST

* Users can connect up to 32 channels of VIVOTEK IP devices for free. If connection of more than 32 channels of VIVOTEK IP devices or connection with any third-party IP devices are required, please upgrade your VAST software through the license purchase option.
** VAST integrates third-party IP devices through ONVIF. For third-party devices, VAST supports only stream, simple PTZ control, and ONVIF device discovery functions.
vast st7501 vs vast

VAST License Support

• Hardware license & software license is the two kind of license type, the new version cannot change the hardware license to software license. The hardware license’s user need to keep the dongle for original license.
• New version supports hardware and software license at the same time, so users can still keep the hardware dongle for future versions.
vast vast license support

VAST License Protection Mechanisms

The hardware license is verified via a dongle, but the software license is verified by identifying unique characteristics of the user’s PC. Its file contains data on the basic configuration (Motherboard, CPU Processor, Graphics Card, RAM and Network Card) of all servers in order to ensure efficiency. If the user changes any three of these basic hardware components, the software license will become invalid.
vast vast license protection mechanisms

Hardware License vs. Software License

vast hardware license vs software license


VAST License Export & Import

The software license further provides two license export and import solutions for users. One is a hierarchical structure for batch licenses, and the other is single structure for single licenses. Using batch licenses will save users more operation time.
1. Hierarchical Structure: Supports batch export & import licenses to save on operation time.
2. Single Structure: Supports export & import of single license.


VAST AIO – 64 kênh, v1.13.1.402
VAST 64 kênh – Vast Playback, v1.13.1.402
VAST 64 kênh – Vast LiveClient, v1.13.1.402

